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Affiliate Faculty Members

Neuroscience faculty who teach, and participate in program activities.

Name Department Research Interest
Michael Bastiani School of Biological Sciences Development of neuronal connections
Anna Docherty Psychiatry Psychiatric genetics
Richard Dorsky Neurobiology Signaling pathways in zebrafish neural cell fate determination
F. Edward Dudek Neurosurgery Mechanisms of neuronal communication under normal developmental conditions and in models of epilepsy using electrophysiological techniques in brain slices as well as in behaving animals
Matthew Euler Psychology Cognitive electrophysiology, fluid intelligence and cognitive differences, spontaneous and task-related neural dynamics, clinical neuropsychology
Christopher Gregg Neurobiology Uncovering new genetic and epigenetic mechanisms shaping brain function, behavioral development and mental illness
Glen R. Hanson Dentistry Interaction between neuropeptide and biogenic amine transmitter systems in the central nervous system
John M. Hoffman Radiology, Neurology Modern imaging techniques including positron emission tomography (PET), MRI, and autoradiography to understand clinically relevant brain related problems and biologic processes
Randy Jensen Neurosurgery Neurosurgical Oncology. Hypoxia and angiogenesis in brain tumors, calcium channel antagonist mediated growth inhibition of brain tumors. Brain tumor biomarker discovery. Animal models of brain tumors and imaging pseudo progression
Bradley R. King Health and Kinesiology

Cognitive neuroscience; Motor control and learning; Memory consolidation; Motor development; Aging; Neuroimaging; Sleep

Richard A. Normann Biomedical Engineering  Information processing in the vertebrate retina; phototransduction
Shannon J. Odelberg Internal Medicine  Molecular basis of regeneration and cellular plasticity
Awais Riaz Neurology  Epilepsy and general neurology
Yukio Saijoh Neurobiology Pattern formation of vertebrates
Bert N. Uchino  Psychology Influence of social factors on the aging process
Last Updated: 1/13/25